The six most common fears people hold
This is the fear of ridicule. He lives in megopolises, hides in the crowd and seeks out his victim secretly and unnoticeably. Inspires guilt in front of others, condemns and laughs at any actions
They always attack with
a huge crowd and put pressure on their authority
Fear points his finger at everyone and just behaves disgustingly
He creates self-doubt
and self-confidence in people
heavenly fears
Lives at high altitude and stalks his victim. You can meet them in elevators of tall buildings, stairs and escalators. He creates a lot of stress and can cause health problems
Camouflage feather cover that makes it impossible to notice this monster at first glance
fear of water
Fear of water. Hide in ponds, on boats and even in bathtubs. One of the most famous monsters. Slippery and tenacious paws mockingly grab their victim. Pose a danger because a person in a state of panic can harm himself and others
Fear of water. Hide in ponds, on boats and even in bathtubs. One of the most famous monsters. Slippery and tenacious paws mockingly grab their victim. Pose
a danger because a person in a state
of panic can harm himself and others
Fear of large objects. They live near
skyscrapers, statues, ships, dams, animals
He is so huge that a victim, being close,
cannot even take a glance at him
and is forced to look at him "in parts"
He is almost always with a victim. You can’t escape him and he is  always next to you. His victims often experience stress, panic and fear that the monster will devour him
of shadows
Live in a crowd among people. Makes its victim afraid of personal meetings and contacts, speaking in front of the public.

He isolates his victim from society, and even scares him and asks him not to leave the house.
Live in a crowd among people. Makes its victim afraid of personal meetings and contacts, speaking
in front of the public.
He isolates his victim from society, and even scares him and asks him not
to leave the house.
Arachnophobia fear of spiders
Lives in the dark corners of your apartment. Unpredictably attack their victim, bite and drag them into their web. Gradually envelop their prey in a net, leaving it no way out. He creates uncontrollable fear, panic
and hopelessness in people.
This site was created as part of the Ania Melnik creative layout course
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